IT Support

Small problems:

  • KAMAR doesn’t work on my phone

  • Printing isn’t working and stuck in queue

  • I need a mouse/keyboard

  • Ask a question about google classroom/KAMAR


1. Search for information yourself (google, or learn in IT PD)

2. Ask a colleague next to you

3. Restart your computer, log back in (preferably cabled up).

4. Seriously just turn it off then back on again.

5. Email me on, or visit me afterschool.

6. Email

- Please include as much information as possible i.e. specific error message

- Be clear with what you need

- Include your name and location (classroom) so the technician can find you.

- Include your cell number so the technician can call you, to find you or ask questions.

- Attachments don’t work. Send these to if you need.

Medium problems:

  • Your school laptop’s trackpad is broken

  • PC’s need to be removed from N6

  • Software updates for all S10 computers


1. Email

- Please include as much information as possible i.e. specific error message

- Be clear with what you need

- Include your name and location (classroom) so the technician can find you.

- Include your cell number so the technician can call you, to find you or ask questions.

- Attachments don’t work. Send these to if you need.

Major problems – Urgent faculty/school wide problems

  • Wi-Fi down, students can’t access work for assessments due tomorrow

  • Big Wi-Fi outages when you have re-enrolment day

  • Remote access goes down while reports are due


1. Email

- Please include as much information as possible

- Be clear with what you need


2. Email me on


3. Email Kate on

Then one of us will then call the technician.

Things to note:

The technician is generally here for two hours per week day. This is when most things will get fixed. If it doesn’t get fixed, there is probably something of higher priority. SORRY!

The email address is a ticket system only, the technician doesn’t check them like an email address, so don’t expect a reply.